A few years ago we lived on acreage out in the beautiful Tallebudgra Valley.
I loved that place it was a haven and heaven sent, surrounded by trees and wildlife with a beautiful creek and an abundance of banana trees and citrus trees.
Yet amongst all the breathtaking beauty it took a lot of work to keep,hours up on hours of mowing and weeding not to mention pruning.
One day i remember vividly i was running out of time and i had been weeding for most of the morning,it was hot and i was tired, so i took the whipper sniper and just whipped the weeds down,
quick fix couldn't see them, and off i went feeling somewhat proud that i had cut some corners and still my garden looked beautiful.
yet that same week little green weeds started sprouting up agggrrhhhh .
There was no getting around it, I would have to pull them out buy the roots.
As i began doing this the Lord spoke to my heart,he showed me how many times we quick fix the weeds that grow in our own lives,
We can look beautiful and no one would notice until they begin to grow again ...in order to be truly weed free we have to dig out the root of what is and has caused the problem,
Is it easy? NO WAY
Does it take time? YES
Can it be painful?OFTEN
But its so worth it
If you keep whipper snipping over the issues that haunt you or get in your way and hurt you,stop and take time to get to the root of the issue and begin to create a weed free life
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